Thank Dustin and Danielle for any strawberries we might enjoy this season!

The past couple weeks Justin and Danielle have been weeding the strawberries. This is tedious task that involves sitting on the wet, cold ground, digging your fingers into the cold soil around each strawberry plant, pulling out all the weeds that are trying to choke the strawberry plant. They did this for approximately 2200 plants. […]

Our first timber framing project

Last week Carl instructed Justin, Danielle and I in our first timber framing assignment. This gave us all a chance to become accustomed to the tools Carl bought especially for our Timber Framing projects. The great thing about this project was that the wood was harvested right here from the farm and our sawmill used […]

We’re on the cusp of the Slow Building Movement

Sorry I haven’t posted lately but I was busy using our daylight hours for timber harvesting and timber framing classes while utilizing our nighttime hours doing seed planning. I am happy to say that we have ordered most all of our seeds for the season! I never imagined myself involved in timbeing nor timber frame […]